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Do you struggle with self doubt?

Self doubt is one of the things that keep people from achieving success in their life. Success in relationships or in personal goals or in business.

Years ago a read a book called What to Say When You Talk To Yourself by Shad Helmstetter. Click here for a pdf outline of the book.

  • If you have self doubt, what are you telling yourself?
  • Do you say I can’t or do you say I can?

One of the things that I learned and that has stuck with me all these years is the analogy that your brain is like a computer. It takes in information and it doesn’t differentiate if the information is good or bad. To a computer information is information.

If you are constantly telling yourself negative thoughts about yourself you are programing your brain with negative information. Negative self thoughts are keeping you from your potential.

Excerpt from attached pdf:
[Your success or failure in anything, large or small will depend on your programing- what you accept from others, and what you say when you talk to yourself.]

Spend some time each day writing down that things you tell yourself to see what you are telling yourself. If you do this you will be able to change what you say to yourself and reprogram your brain to succeed.

Deirdre Powell (Dee)

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