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Overcoming Objections in Your Business


Overcoming objections can be challenging, yet it’s one of those things we can’t avoid. We have to understand rejections aren’t necessarily about us. It can be bad timing, not the right ambition, or a total lack of interest. Our jobs as marketers isn’t to convince someone they need something. It’s simply prospecting and eventually you hit the right type of person, at the right time for them, and they’ll jump right in.

This doesn’t usually happen with the first person you speak to or approach with your business offer. Sometimes we have to go through objections, and get rejected multiple times to get to the one that finally says YES.

In a world of 6 billion people, a hundred people telling you no is a small drop in the bucket. This is just something we have to learn to accept, and expect it. The biggest tip is to not take rejection personally. It’s not about you usually. Just take the no, and move on confidently with the idea that the next person you talk with is the one who’s ready. Consider it practice.

If you stick it out you’ll find some common patterns with peoples objections. You can analyze your approach, and tweak your response for a better possible outcome. Just don’t go into a full blown sales push without feeling the situation out. This will save you a lot of headaches and objections.

If someone told you they were in a hurry and have to go pick up their kids you wouldn’t chose that time to give them business information. To avoid the immediate rejection, because they are busy, you might ask when is a better time to talk to them.

What I’m saying is sometimes it is you, your approach, or your timing. Yet you don’t have to take it personally, especially if you are new. Give yourself time to get into a natural flow with people. Recognize where they are coming from to avoid potential rejections, and be willing to change course with your objective. You just don’t have to internalize rejection, or let it make you apprehensive in approaching the next person. 6 billion people in the world. There’s lots of people out there waiting to find what you have to offer. Get busy!!