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6 Ways to Build Belief Number 5 – Practice


Hi This is Dee Powell getting on here a little late tonight. I wanted to go over number 5 of the 6 ways to build beliefs, found in the book “Fearless Networking” by Todd Falcone. What I’ve been doing is reading what the book has to say, and then comment on this a little bit.

Number 5 of the 6 ways to build beliefs is practice.

Professionals are professionals because they practice. If you want to get good at this business and feel confident doing it, then you need to spend regular time in practice. Take time to practice your approaches, and your invites in your presentations. Anything you do in this business should be practiced ahead of time. Build practice into your regular routine and you’ll find yourself quickly improving your skills and your self confidence at the same time.

6 ways to build belief


So basically, you really need to practice. Practice, practice, practice. When you practice you’re going to build your confidence. And when you build your confidence you’re going to build your belief. It all works hand in hand, so practice, and keep practicing.  Building confidence, and belief in yourself simply comes from practicing your skills.

I hope you got some value, and take this information into consideration when creating your success plan. Knowing that you have to practice to get good. You have to practice to build your belief.  When you plan for success you’re more likely to achieve success. It all starts with belief. Major sports professionals, they practice.  Little league players, they practice. Scientists, they practice. So my only question to you is what are you practicing? This answer should include practicing to build your beliefs. Thanks for reading and I will catch you on the next blog post where we’ll discuss number six of six ways to build belief.

You can read the other 4 ways to build belief at the following links.

#1 Immerse Yourself in Success

2. Build your Knowledge and Put it to Use

3. Create and Collect Stories

4. Take Action Daily of the 6 ways to Build Belief


Thanks for visiting my blog. Please leave me a comment below.

Deirdre Powell (Dee)